Empowering Girls Through Conversation: The Heart of Our Mission

In a world where our children are exposed to countless influences and pressures, one thing remains clear: the importance of building self-confidence and nurturing their inner potential. We must provide our daughters and granddaughters with the tools to thrive, and at Talk Her Up, that's our mission and passion. 

Talking With Kids About Tough Issues is a national initiative to support parents by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Children Now to encourage parents to talk with their children earlier and more often about tough issues. They report:

“Parents say that open communication best prepares children to make wise decisions. And, kids who have had conversations with their parents say they were glad to have talked and got good ideas about how to handle the issues.” 

At Talk Her Up, we want to offer girls and their parents, grandparents, counselors, and other adults in their life the resources to prompt conversations around topics that we know will help girls thrive.

Why We Do What We Do

We believe that empowering girls starts with conversations. We understand that guiding them through the maze of life's challenges and opportunities requires more than just words—it takes thoughtful discussions that inspire and uplift.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between generations and empower girls by fostering open, meaningful conversations. We've created products designed to prompt discussions around important topics, helping your daughters and granddaughters navigate their journeys with confidence.

A young girl having an empowering conversation with an older woman

Why Conversation Matters

Conversations have the power to shape perspectives, spark curiosity, and instill values. They allow girls to express their thoughts, ask questions, and learn from the experiences and wisdom of those who care about them. By engaging in these dialogues, we not only help girls discover their own voices but also build the self-confidence they need to make informed decisions and embrace their full potential. 

Our Commitment: Catalysts for Conversations

We want to create catalysts for these vital conversations. From inspiring books to interactive activities, each item serves as a springboard for discussing topics like self-esteem, leadership, and resilience. We aim to create a safe space where girls can explore these subjects with trusted adults like you, laying the foundation for their future success.

As adults, you play an indispensable role in empowering the next generation of confident, resilient leaders. We invite you to join us on this empowering journey. Let's start the conversations that will shape a brighter, more confident future for the girls we care about most.

Lindsey Gira

Graphic + Web Designer | Six Leaf Design




Fostering Resilience in Girls: Building Strong Foundations