Illustration of a young girl holding a pencil and examining the data & research that transforms strong young girls' lives

Research & Data


At Talk Her Up, we are driven by the power of evidence and research to transform the lives of girls. Current research not only sheds light on the issues girls face, but also serves as a guide in helping us create resources and initiatives that empower girls with confidence and leadership skills.

by the numbers

Girls at a Glance

The confidence crisis our girls face is alarming. Let’s reverse the trend. Together, we can rewrite these statistics, helping girls feel confident and resilient.

Girls’ confidence levels drop


between ages 8-12, and continues to drop in middle school.

Less than


of children’s books feature female protagonists, despite girls outpacing boys in reading.

7 in 10

girls believe they are not good enough or do not measure up in some way.


Drop in belief of girls between tween & teen years that other people like them